
We have many ways to give.

GivePlus +

GivePlus is the primary Giving solution we use. You can use the online platform below or you can download the GivePlus App from the the Google/Apple App Stores.


Please send or dropoff to:
Christ Haven Church
6800 Lindbergh Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19142

CashApp - $christhaven

You may also give from your phone using CashApp. In the Notes box, please describe which amounts your are designating to (ie. Tithe, Offering, Etc.).

We believe God calls all of us to be good stewards of the gifts and talents He gives us. We encourage you to give regularly as an act of obedience and worship to the Lord in response to the generous way He has given to us. We pledge to use your gifts as we seek to be an authentic community of Christ followers who are bringing gospel hope and renewal to our city and world. Whether you bring your tithe or give an offering, your contribution results in the greatest return on investment—changed lives. Read below to see the many ways you can give.